There is no pretense, no conjured magic on this Halloween. No smoke and mirrors to create illusions of beauty and fleeting imagery.
She simply is. She was. And still is. Our next muse.
The Pretty Muse crew played a slight trick on this lovely model. Not only was she photographed by our cameras, we were secretly putting her through the hoops; a casting call for an upcoming shoot, 'Hippie Chick on a Road Trip". We were looking for just the right face, just the right gaze in her eyes, just the right stuff. Frankly, she's got all the right stuff. She could be our Snow White just as easily as our Hippie Chick, she could be Pretty Woman or Angelina Jolie.
As one whose spent many many hours on the easel in figure drawing classes, studying the body and the bones, the way light illuminates and shadows define, Karissa Ferguson is most certainly a wonderful next muse.
We had 3 shooters and we, well.... you'll see what we did and I'll tell you what's next.